How to green any job with Project Drawdown's Jamie Beck Alexander
Struggling to find a “climate job?” Hit pause on that Google search and ponder a radically different solution to your green job-hunting problem. Jamie Beck Alexander has a mantra that could change your entire mindset: “Every job is a climate job.” As director of Drawdown Labs, Alexander is pushing for every company on the planet to fight climate change. How? By harnessing the power of employee voices to change systems for the better from the inside. In the final installment of The Year of the Climate Job, Alexander shares actionable, practical ways you can put a climate lens on the job you currently have. Drawdown Labs has created seven different guides with concrete ways to green your job, no matter your specialty. The guides, based on extensive, hands-on research, offer transformative methods for people working in finance, government relations, marketing, legal, sales, human resources and procurement. And this episode isn’t just for folks who work for big companies — there’s advice here for you no matter the size or stripe of your organization. Show more