KEV Talks Podcast | Powering People, Process and Progress
Tired of dreaming big but never taking action? Hope is NOT a Plan equips you with the tools and strategies to turn your goals into reality. Learn from Kevin Pannell, a veteran of Public Safety, Emergency Management, and Program Management, with over 30 years of experience in turning plans into action. Ditch the guesswork and bridge the gap between wishful thinking and real results. Each episode equips you with: *Actionable steps: Break down your goals into clear, achievable tasks. **Proven best practices: Learn from Kevin's experience and industry insights. ***Practical strategies: Discover how to overcome obstacles and stay motivated. Ready to stop hoping and start achieving? Subscribe to Hope is NOT a Plan and take control of your future! More at hopesnotaplan.com. Stay safe out there, know that hope ignites and that action transforms, and I wish you all, Godspeed, Kevin Show more