Ellie and The Wave
Comedy Fiction

Ellie and The Wave



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When a global computer virus begins deleting all digital records, 30-something Ellie (Natalie Morales, Parks & Rec) buys an old tape recorder and begins narrating an “analog” retrospective of her life before all of her photos, videos, and correspondence are wiped out forever. “High Fidelity” meets “Seeking a Friend For the End of the World.” Written by Erin Foley-Chan, produced by April Lamb (Gimlet's Sandra), directed and produced by Daniel Powell (Inside Amy Schumer). Also starring Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Cyrina Fiallo.
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ArWhen a global computer virus begins deleting all digital records, 30-something Ellie (Natalie Morales, Parks & Rec) buys an old tape recorder and begins narrating an “analog” retrospective of her life before all of her photos, videos, and correspondence are wiped out forever. “High Fidelity” meets “Seeking a Friend For the End of the World.” Written by Erin Foley-Chan, produced by April Lamb (Gimlet's Sandra), directed and produced by Daniel Powell (Inside Amy Schumer). Also starring Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Cyrina Fiallo.

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