Growth Beyond Trauma
Having lived a life where trauma defined me, I’m now on a mission to give hope that you too, have all you need inside to release the impact of trauma. We are here together to shed light on the shame, guilt, and lack of self-worth felt in the aftermath of trauma.This podcast aims to empower you to find growth and healing beyond trauma, showing you what this looks like, so you can embrace your authentic self and live life through the lens of joy and abundance. It brings together my skills as a Psychotherapist, Certified Coach, and Brainspotting Practitioner, as well as my lived experience to support you, as I do my clients, to increase self-awareness, self-confidence and self-acceptance so you too can build healthier relationships with yourself and others. Each week, I’ll talk to various guests, from those with lived experience to those working to support others to live the lives they desire and deserve following trauma. I believe we have all we need inside us to heal, so as much as this podcast is for you, I also want it to be shaped with you. If you have any ideas for topics or guests or have any questions on any of the topics we cover, email us at GBTpodcast@hannahmckimm.com You may not know where your path leads, but you don't have to get there alone. This podcast has been created for you if you are seeking hope and inspiration in your healing journey. So while you may feel lost, stuck and uncertain, whatever you hope and aspire for in your life, there is growth beyond trauma. Show more