Unsung heroes of innovation and deeply experienced innovators discuss their triumphs, trials, and lessons learned with Erik Roth, the global leader of...Show more
Closing the gap between innovation and go-to-market, with AWS’s Jelena Joffe Weil
McKinsey innovation leader Erik Roth speaks with Jelena Joffe Weil, the founder and worldwide leader of the Venture Innovation program at AWS, Amazon’s cloud computing arm, about how AWS works to close the gap between innovation and go to market for start-ups and large enterprises. The global hyperscaler is known for helping businesses grow and scale rapidly, but it also helps start-ups and established enterprises find each other to engage in open, or collaborative, innovation. Related insights: Driving innovation with generative AI Taking fear out of innovation How to take the measure of innovation Fielding high-performing innovation teams Explore our collection of Committed Innovator episode transcripts on McKinsey.com: https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/inside-the-strategy-room-podcast/strategic-growth-and-innovation Discover our latest insights and join more than 92,000 influential professionals who are part of our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/mckinsey-strategy-&-corporate-finance See www.mckinsey.com/privacy-policy for privacy information
Closing the gap between innovation and go-to-market, with AWS’s Jelena Joffe Weil