Wild Thing is a longform, narrative podcast about the obsessions that capture our imaginations. This sound-rich and deeply reported show examines the relationship between science and society, that point where scientific inquiry collides with our very human desire to find answers. Whether it’s seeking out Sasquatch, looking skyward for extraterrestrial life, or examining our relationship with the atom, exploring the unknown helps us better understand ourselves.

Each of Wild Thing’s three seasons is its own story—dive in to the first episode of whichever topic captures your imagination (and then come back to listen to the others…).

Wild Thing is a mind-altering experience.”— The Atlantic

“It’s about the points where the very outer edges of scientific exploration meet a deep human yearning to know things which might not have a definite answer.” — Esquire

“…comprehensive, excellent…” — Vice, Motherboard

Season 1

Believe in Bigfoot? Think it’s total BS? For Wild Thing, host Laura Krantz spent a year in the woods and in the lab, trying to answer that question. What she found might surprise the staunchest non-believers. This legendary creature represents a mystery that captures our imaginations, and Sasquatch is as popular now as it’s ever been. Part of this is tongue-in-cheek—Bigfoot as hipster accessory. But many people take Sasquatch seriously—perfectly rational people swear to its existence. Why does this creature ignite our imagination? Where does that fascination come from? And why does it persist? Learn more.

Wild Thing Season One Trailer

Season 2

In 2017,  an interstellar object entered our solar system and Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb suggested it *might* be an alien spacecraft. The world went bananas. Just a few months later, the Pentagon admitted to running a secret UFO program. And if highly-respected scientists and the Department of Defense seem to be thinking about aliens? Maybe we all should be. In Wild Thing: Space Invaders, host Laura Krantz turns her eyes skyward in search of extraterrestrial life, from the one-celled to the big-brained. Where are we looking? What are we looking for? And why do we hope that we're not alone? Learn more.

Wild Thing: Space Invaders Trailer

Season 3

When the SL-1 nuclear reactor blew up it killed three young military men, spread radiation over thousands of acres, and left the government and the military scrambling for answers. In Wild Thing: Going Nuclear, host Laura Krantz uses science, history and culture to explore this sixty-year-old story, while probing the realities of atomic energy today. We’ll analyze our own fascination— and ambivalence—with all things nuclear. What are the true risks? What are the potential rewards? Given our nature, are we humans even responsible enough to harness the power of the universe—and should we? Learn more.

Wild Thing: Going Nuclear Trailer

And Wild Thing is now the inspiration for a series of nonfiction books… for kids!

The Search for Sasquatch

Is There Anybody Out There?

Do You Believe in Magic?

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(and your support is very much appreciated).